Kazakhstan U-15 TC takes place in Almaty

Kazakhstan U-15 TC takes place in Almaty

25 May 2024, 17:07
The training camp, under the leadership of Stuart John Hall, is being held as part of the cooperation between the KFF and the FIFA High Performance Department.

Over the past six months, Stuart John Hall, with the support of the KFF Technical Center, the coaching staff of the National Teams, as well as regional KFF coaches, has conducted a selection of players throughout Kazakhstan. Based on these results, 43 players were compiled for the future U-15 team.

The program lasts three years. The players with better results will join the national academy at the training base in Talgar. From all candidates, 25 players born in 2010 will be selected, who will get the opportunity to train under the guidance of the coaching staff and will represent the first ever Kazakhstan U-15 team in FIFA and UEFA competitions.
