Republican Council of Teachers Discussed "Football Lesson"

The heads of regional centers of physical culture, specialists of additional education centers, representatives of sports federations, employees of the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture, teachers of physical education the republic schools took part in this event.
The Head of the Children's and Youth Football Department Igor Utrobin gave a speech on this topic '' The main implementation aspects of the project 'Football Lesson' for 1-11 grades of the secondary school".
The implementation of the project "Football Lesson" in the 2007-18 academic year was well done. Since the new school year, the basics of football will be taught to children from grades 5 to 11. In addition, it is planned to develop a methodical manual for teachers.
Since the new school year, the project "Football Lesson" will cover about 1000 schools. Also, the KFF is considering the possibility of the coaching category "D" course for the teachers of physical education.