Talgar Hosts the Annual Tournament - President's Cup
Six teams will take part in the tournament: two teams from Kazakhstan - U-16 and U-17 teams, as well as teams from Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and the team of academy FC ''Krasnodar'' (Russia).
Participants are divided into two groups - "A" and "B".
Matches for 3rd place and final will take place on August 28, 2018.
"A" ''B''
Kazakhstan U-17 Kazakhstan U-16
Kyrgyzstan U-17 Tadjikistan U-17
Azerbaijan U-17 Academy "Krasnodar"
August, 24th
15:00. Kazakhstan U-16 vs Tajikistan U-17
18:00. Kazakhstan U-17 vs Kyrgyzstan U-17
August, 25th
15:00. Tajikistan U-17 vs Academy "Krasnodar"
18:00. Kyrgyzstan U-17 vs Azerbaijan U-17
August, 26th
15:00. "Krasnodar" - Kazakhstan U-16
18:00. Azerbaijan U-17 - Kazakhstan U-17
August, 28th
11:00. Match for 5-6 place
15:00. Match for 3-4 place
18:00. Final.