Stanislav Cherchesov: “We are looking forward to all our fans and their support”

Stanislav Cherchesov: “We are looking forward to all our fans and their support”

28 August 2024, 17:28
The Kazakhstani head coach Stanislav Cherchesov talked about the upcoming preparation, and also shared his opinion about the national teams of Norway and Slovenia.

- What would you tell us about the upcoming preparation that starts next week in Almaty?

- I am going to Almaty a few days before the training camp, as there are always some organizational issues. The training camp will be held at the Central Stadium. The condition of the field is a very important issue, because recently there have been a lot of games. The training plan is ready, we just need to coordinate the time, because the game “Kairat - Astana” moved to a day later. Some players will arrive on September 1st, some on 2nd, and someone even on the 3rd.
The coaching staff will gather a day or two earlier to plan everything on the spot and avoid any shortcomings.

- We see that the final squad includes four goalkeepers, but not three as before. Why? 

- I would like to note that Pokatilov is returning to the national team, I talked to him so that there were no misunderstandings. There was one situation with him, now it's changing. He is one of the goalkeepers who should be ready at any moment. He has also made certain conclusions.
Shatskiy has played all the games in the last two years at a good level. And now he is playing for ''Aktobe''.
Zarutskiy is a good goalkeeper too. I watched his game against the national team of Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, the last few matches he does not play. But he is skilled, so he is in the final list as well.

As for the young player Anarbekov, I would say that the coaching staff is also watching the youth, Konstantin Gorovenko and I are constantly in touch, he helps me in this regard. We want the players to see that the national team is watching them. Anarbekov will train with experienced goalkeepers, gain some practice, feel the spirit of the national team, and a day or two before the match he will return to the youth team.

- What would you say about Bekhan Shaizada, who is out of the final list this time?

- We are not talking about the contract now, but just the training camp. Shaizada played great in the European Competition, especially in the penalty shootout. Today we made such a decision, and then we will see.

- Fans are also discussing the point why such good players as Erkebulan Seidakhmet and Andrei Ulshin, who show good results in “Kairat”, as well as Zhan-Ali Payruz from “Elimai” did not get a call up.

- The new coaching staff holds only the first training camp. We are watching all the players. We can not call up all the players at once or change all the experienced players at once, because we do not see players who are stronger. We need to find a certain balance. Ulshin, who scores incredible goals, is now on the extended list. He hasn't made the main team yet, but it means that we are watching him, and he can be in the team any minute.

As for questions from the fans, there will always be questions, and that's a very good thing. If there are questions, it means they are worried about the team. This is only our first training camp. The main thing that the players arrived in good spirit and in good health.

- What would you say about the national teams of Norway and Slovenia? What strengths and weaknesses would you highlight?

- Our first opponent is Norway. The Club Competitions have started in Europe. We see how Haaland started scoring. However, we will prepare not for him only, but for the national team.
As for Slovenia, I watched their games at the European Championship. Moreover, the national team of Kazakhstan has already played against them last year. This is a pretty strong team with a certain level. 

- Maxim Samorodov got injured, but he is in the reserve list. Do you think if he could be able to recover in time for the upcoming matches.

- I am glad that he is playing for FC ''Akhmat'' coached by Magomed Adiev. But this is still another league, another team and other requirements. We agreed with the club's doctors to let him go to Astana, where he will get some rehabilitation. We have included him in the extended list, and we will watch how his recovery will go and we will proceed from that. He will definitely not be ready for the first match.
It's also a pity that Sagadat Tursynbay got injured. We wanted to call him up.

- What would you say to our fans?

- I heard that tickets for the match were sold out in half a day. We are looking forward to all our fans and their support. We will try to play our best you. I believe in your support and ask you to believe in us too - together we can achieve success!
