Paulo Ricardo Kaka: “We will try to neutralize the Spaniards' strengths”

Paulo Ricardo Kaka: “We will try to neutralize the Spaniards' strengths”

14 September 2024, 18:50
Kazakhstani futsal coach Paulo Ricardo Kaka talked about the preparation for the match against Spain.

- We arrived in Andijan on September 11. We thought we would get, but the road was not easy. We had time to recover, have two trainings, and today we will train on the parquet flooring, where we will play our matches. Still, different surfaces, we will start to get used to it and conditions.

- How important it is to train on the parquet flooring if the match is tomorrow. What is the difference in the surface?

- I don`t remember when the national team played on Tarafleks (special linoleum). Here we have already practiced on such a surface twice, and tomorrow we will play on the parquet flooring. The situation is such that the conditions are equal for everyone.

- What would you say about the Spanish national team?

- We are a team that plays not only due to our strength. We have analyzed the opponent a lot. Spain is Spain, but they also have their pros and cons. We have studied them and tomorrow we will try to neutralize their strengths. I think we have a chance to succeed.
